As second in command of Eidolon, Alex Martinez is a ghost...
Fortis and Purgatory are both exceptional covert agencies composed of deadly operatives. With the Atlantic Ocean between them, they never thought they would ever collaborate until a series of horrible murders force them to unite. As a former Navy SEAL, Shane Rhodes has suffered his share of tragedie...
I kidnapped an angel to keep her safe. I'll kill to make her mine. I’m relentless. Merciless. Vicious. I live by one rule: protect my Twisted Devils MC family at any cost. Then I see her. Samantha. Everything changes. Now I have a new rule: do whatever it takes to make her mine. Forever.
From bestselling author Stephanie St. Klaire comes the shocking beginning of a 5-star series, McKenzie Ridge. Dawson and Sam kick off this standalone romantic suspense series that you won’t want to put down...until you’re ready to binge read the rest. All FIVE books are available now!
I should have taken off my ring before I asked her out. I’m a military man, or was. I should have known better than that. It gave her the wrong impression. It would to any woman. Being a single father and losing my wife has left me wanting to pull back from love. But this new girl at the flower sh...