Struggling with financial adversity, Lady Eliza Beaumont faces an unexpected proposal of convenience from William Hartley, the Marquess of Galeshire. Their bond, once akin to that of siblings, takes an unforeseen turn as they confront unspoken emotions. Amidst familial obligations and the presence o...
A barmaid at a crossroads. A sailor at loose ends. One fateful New Year’s Eve.
London Docklands, 31 December 1867
Cordelia has her life mapped out. Steady work keeps her in coin. An engagement to a man of good standing secures her future. So what if their nuptials are a far-off dream? Her be...
A widowed advice columnist and an unwitting marquess connect through anonymous letters—but when scandal strikes, can they find love despite the truth?
Lady Jane Harsham has returned to society after her bereavement. Once wed to a gentleman in his dotage, she now finds herself not only a widow b...
Sisters, scandal…and seduction!
The moment their lips touched, Lucas knew he had made a tantalizing mistake…
Lady Annabel Blackbourne has no interest in any of the gentlemen her mother wants her to marry. They're too polite. Too respectable. Too boring. She wants passion, not button collec...
I can make you feel good… We both could, if you would let us…
A lowly daughter of a Baronet, Violet cannot hide her surprise when the cold and handsome Duke of Ashton arrives at the doorstep demanding to meet her as a prospective bride. More alarmingly, she feels an unexpected thrill at each ...
A pretend courtship and private dancing lessons allow two old friends to consider their future together. Who will confess their growing love first?
Mr. Benedict Grey is the only heir to a long-standing title, and he knows his duty: find a suitable girl, get married, secure the succession beyond h...
Can a ghost show Agatha the way to life’s happiness?
Years after the death of her husband, Lady Agatha Wendt has become a surly, cold-hearted miser, increasingly left to her own company, particularly during the holiday season. Childless and with little family, the wealthy widow fears falling in...
"You are the Christmas miracle I never believed I deserved."
Caroline Winterbourne’s quiet life as a widow hides her true identity as a secret author, a truth that could ruin her in the eyes of the ton.
A fragile bond forms when she crosses paths with Cedric Hutton, known for his cold resolv...
“I’ll stand by your side, not only for this Christmas, but for all the days ahead.”
Nicholas Bolton, the Earl of Bernewood, has long avoided society, hiding his past behind a charming facade.
Clarissa Crompton, shunned by the ton after a family scandal, has vowed to rebuild her life and ...