One boss's darkest desire has yet to be unlocked until his new employee pokes the bear...
Jada Simmons, newly-hired to be the personal secretary of famous mystery writer, Javier Sosa Rodriguez, realizes she has been left out of some of her employer's itiniery deliberately. His ways of taking off for days at a time have the Atlanta girl puzzled and she demands to know why...
Whenever Javier's around, he innocently flirts with Jada but she knows it much more to know about him.
There's a c...
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One boss's darkest desire has yet to be unlocked until his new employee pokes the bear...
Jada Simmons, newly-hired to be the personal secretary of famous mystery writer, Javier Sosa Rodriguez, realizes she has been left out of some of her employer's itiniery deliberately. His ways of taking off for days at a time have the Atlanta girl puzzled and she demands to know why...
Whenever Javier's around, he innocently flirts with Jada but she knows it much more to know about him.
There's a certain fetish that he's holding back - now Jada has been warned not to explore unless she's 100% ready...
What could it be?
Her boss lives by his own rules. Yet, his darkest secret cannot be unlocked unless Jada is willingly to give herself fully to him.
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