Struggling with financial adversity, Lady Eliza Beaumont faces an unexpected proposal of convenience from William Hartley, the Marquess of Galeshire. Their bond, once akin to that of siblings, takes an unforeseen turn as they confront unspoken emotions. Amidst familial obligations and the presence of a rival suitor, the Christmas season unfolds as the backdrop for a love story, testing the limits of their connection in the delicate dance of a convenient union.
Lady Eliza Beaumont, cherished f...
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Struggling with financial adversity, Lady Eliza Beaumont faces an unexpected proposal of convenience from William Hartley, the Marquess of Galeshire. Their bond, once akin to that of siblings, takes an unforeseen turn as they confront unspoken emotions. Amidst familial obligations and the presence of a rival suitor, the Christmas season unfolds as the backdrop for a love story, testing the limits of their connection in the delicate dance of a convenient union.
Lady Eliza Beaumont, cherished for her radiant heart and generous spirit, finds herself in uncharted waters when her family's financial straits lead to a proposed marriage of convenience with William Hartley, the Marquess of Galeshire. While she's always seen William as a comforting older brother figure, the betrothal awakens unknown feelings within her heart. Is it possible that behind their familial ties, lies a story of love waiting to be told?
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